
"I don’t think of myself as a strong woman. I never even heard that word about me until recently. I always thought bluntly that I was a glamorous goddamn exciting woman. I didn’t want to be strong at anything. I wanted to have a ball on earth. […] I could have played the roll of the down-and-out artist, but I wanted to have fun, and not only fun, I think I fed on it. It was exciting. I always used to dress with a flair. And I liked to swear and I liked to drink and have romances. Well, little did they think that I’d be the one to arrive. I knew it, though. I was very sure of what I was doing. I believed in myself and I was utterly satisfied with what I believed in."

Louise Nevelson, from taped conversations that were transcribed into the book Dawns and Dusks


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